Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Drown in an ocean or rise from the ashes

Passion, love, lust, hate, trust and fear… all of these traits rain havoc on our lives. They give us joy and security. Everyday these emotions put us face to face with the decision of what to do. Challenges of who to trust, who to love, who to believe, and who we are going to be. Our morals, faith, ideas are constantly put to the test by this world. These challenges are countless as the shining stars above.
All my life has been this fight, a constant battle, as I am sure everyone else faces these hardships as well. This is by no means a rant upon a soapbox while striking the harmonious strings of a violin but more of a thought in the search for answers.
During the course of battle we gain ground, but we also lose ground and stumble and fall. Other times we are so weary and confused we no longer know what to do next. Or we’ve fallen so hard we don’t want to get up. These conflicts are brought on by our own use of passion, love, lust, hate, trust and fear.
Whether work, friends, family, lovers, school, or careers cause the conflict, these conflicts beat at our shields and barriers constantly till we are broken and bloody. They are not what will destroy us they aren’t meant that, the conflicts want our destroyers to be ourselves for us to give up. What about those of the prior listing, can they help…will they. What if we pull them down too or what if they are key to victory? It is not the purpose of family, friends and lovers to bring us to our knees. In fact they are very much meant for the fight against our battles. They help heal our wounds and prop us up when fallen. But as known to all many times they are also the hardest battle.
What do we do then? Do we permanently give up? That’s not and option…at least not for this warrior and I hope that isn’t an option for my fellow warriors. Do we run, give in and sacrifice and how do we know that giving in will be a sacrifice? Perhaps it may be a benefit to others and ourselves. Do we stand strong unwavering like red woods? But with our unwavering we may miss the great things that are placed in front of us. Do we take the new challenge run with it and make a reformation after the fact? Then after that reformation to find if we are satisfied with that change or not.
When facing new aspects in life we have options of how we can respond. We can respond blindly, convolutely, intelligently, mechanically, passionately, rationally, or violently. We must take into serious account these notions of passion, love, hate, trust, and fear. For they are what shape our conflicts and joys. They are such delicate notions, with the power to destroy hearts. If we are not cautious we end up hurting ourselves and more importantly those close us.
Still what is that will bring us to our decisions when we are lost, at the breaking point… can we make the right decision? Or do we even just give up because we are so unsure? This I believe is the hardest of conflicts when we are not given an A and B option.
Life is hard, passion, love and trust cause us great pain and joy. They are a double-edged sword. So the final question that remains is what do we do?
Even at our darkest hour, we have the option to drown in the ocean, or be like the phoenix and rise from the ashes. How will you fight this battle called life?...


Anonymous said...

What a beautifully written column Ry. Very passionnate and intuitive. I hope and pray that you find all your answers.

Love ya! -Jerzey

Anonymous said...

I truly think you have a beautiful soul Piehole!!!! Love- me